Free AP Euro notes
AP Euro Notes I used to get a 5 on the AP Test credit to PleasantVariation7 on reddit
How to use these Notes:
The side of this document(menu on mobile) has each unit from the college board syllabus. The bolded line is the topic and the notes are under that for each section. There are some notes in here that are from the Mckay textbook, but the majority are class notes collected throughout the school year. Some notes may be about analyzing images or test strategies. Some bullet points may not make sense but that’s probably because it’s a note I made to myself(I tried to take most of those out though). Use this as a content review. Make sure to practice your image analysis, multiple choice, and essay skills, and you should be good to go! Hope you find this useful…Best of Luck!!
Debate whether 1450 is the beginning of modern Europe, the true point of rebirth of Europe, and a turning point or not, and why it starts in italy
Mckay 358-361:
Florence was also commercial leader/city where renaissance began/on fertile soil against arno river/favorable location from rome-it grew rich by buying and selling grain,cloth, wool, weapons, armor, spices, glass, wine throughout Europe and meditarranean
The 1st quarter of the 14th century florence was so economically strong that it couldn’t be destroyed by severe crises-the Florentine merchant/historian Benedetto Dei praised his city(Florentine) for its shops,warehouses,banks
Merchant elites made it hard to get in communes and popolo were heavily taxed and resented exclusion from power→used armed forces to take over the city governments→republican government(political power in people and exercised by chosen representatives) was established in Italian cities like Bologna, Siena, Parma, Florence, genoa-this was temporary, popolo couldn't establish civil order within their cities→merchant oligarchies used condottieri
Venice,Milan, florence, papal states, and the kingdom of naples dominated italian peninsula in 15th century-kingdom of naples was under the control of the king of aragon
McKay 362-365:
humanist schools were established across florence,venice,other italian cities, across the alps in germany,france,england-ideas were put into practice
McKay 366-367
Mckay 367-369
The prince=first modern guide to politics, people later denounced him by saying machiavellian=cunning and ruthless/no pity or compassion for others, his pragmatic view of the purposes of gov., his discussion of the role of force/cruelty=unacceptable to many
Medieval people thought governments were to be judged by principles of god, Machiavelli argued that governments should be judged by how well they gave security, order, safety to populace
Mckay 369-373
Mckay 373-378
*2 pieces of renaissance art on test use free art notes
The piece is Northern Renaissance in style because it shows scenes of everyday life(hunting,making fire,ice skating-they’re making preparations for cold weather). It also shows extreme detail(the thin branches dusted with snow, the people look like they had an unsuccessful hunt from the drooped heads and shoulders of the people and the dogs, only 1 person is shown to have had a successful hunt because only the person on the left is carrying an animal over his shoulder, a person carrying wood over a bridge, the people on the lake look like they are playing hockey, the details of the water mill and the mountains). Also, the artist’s patron is an individual of power(banker), the figure shares naturally posed people- which shows human dignity.
It reflects northern society/attitudes-different from medievalism
Promotes ethical living-the hunters are hard working because they just came back from a hunt, and the dogs are following their masters -promotes virtue-also shows piety
Their lives aren’t luxurious and filled with silk and spices, instead they have hard lives with difficult weather
Shows communal focus-everyone is gathered on lake playing a game-there’s a group of hunters, there’s a group of people with the fire-there’s not much individualism-people are working hard so the community can prosper not just themselves
The patron is banker Nicholas Jonghelinck, he places it in his dining room, he patronizes this work to depict the labors of the months and depict the general mood/atmosphere of the society during that particular month, this reflects life in northern renaissance europe because in the north there was a formation of merchant class patrons buying artwork like the patron of this piece and it shows righteous/hard working living, this is different from medievalism because there’s not a lot of agriculture in the picture, and it doesn’t look like the people are in fear or are preparing for war, this is different from italian humanism because in Italian humanism it’s expressed that humans have no limits but in the picture the hunters are shown to be not very successful in hunting
This work proves that 1450 is a turning point because it looks like they have wood and they’re wearing clothes so they must have some type of trade going on, what clings to the medieval world is their lack of technology, isolatedness(with the mountains), they probably have a fear of hell because life on earth is also very tough for them, and they’re communal focused
Shows shift from religious authority to one based on classical and observation of the natural world because the landscape(trees, mountains) are given an important role in the picture and they show an importance for the natural world, it reflects the high middle ages because the people are very community based
McKay 381-383
Mckay 383-387
Yorkist edward 4, richard 3, henry 7 used methods machiavelli would have praised(brave, efficient, secret) to establish domestic tranquility/royal prestige/crush power of nobility/order at local level
15th century(1400s)
Poland+ottoman empire are dominant force in Europe in the 15th century-in Eastern Europe
Centralizing states go west
Balance of power, habsburg/valois wars, and don’t want to deal with poland and ottomans(didn’t want to deal with muslims/jews)→exploration
Mckay 330-331, 339-341, 392-395
Martin luther cited professorship as jurisdiction for his reforming work-his study of saint paul’s letters in the new testament-.salvation and justification came only from faith, faith is a free gift of god and doesn’t require effort, God's work is revealed through scripture not tradition of church
Decipher the long term and short term causes of the 16th century reformation, and whether they are ecclesiastical, political, or economical
Mckay 397-399
Protestantssalvation comes from faith alone not faith and good works-god not people initiates salvation, authority rested in bible alone not in bible and traditional teachings of church-only baptism had scriptural support, the rituals of the church didn’tchurch is a spiritual priesthood of all believers not fixed in place/person NOT hierarchical clerical institution of the roman Catholic Church by the pope in rome-every person should serve God in their individual calling not monastic/religious life over secular life
Mckay 399-404
Mckay 407-414
Renaissance test review-strategies
political/social impact of luther
Mckay 414-417
Age of Religious Wars and European Exploration
Mckay 404-407, 417-420
Mckay 417-420
Religious wars 1540-1648
Religious differences-religious unity under the roman catholic church shattered
Corrupt rulers-princes and nobles sought power from centralizing powers
Decentralized state(holy roman empire+italy-italy doesn’t fight)s fight to gain power from each other
separatists(dutch/switzerland) wanted independent nations
bloody/expensive/deadly-loss population in holy roman empire
Anabaptists can’t be princes-they’re about separating religion and state
Solve it
Treaty of augsburg-princes get to choose lutheran or catholic+people have to convert or leave to prince’s chosen religion-no religious toleration
Some princes chose calvinism→30 years war
Lutheran princes get church land
Catholic princes will have france(concordat of bologna) and spain on their side-superpowers on their side
Charles V signs treaty of augsburgs and resigns-voluntarily gives up power
Charles V gives austrian hapsburg lands to brother ferdinand II-to deal with ottoman empire
Spain, Netherlands, and italian holdings to son philip II
Religious pluralism established for the short term-multiple religions-NOT religious freedom-no toleration in their own domain-ex.treaty of augsburg
Mckay 466-468
30 years war:
State building:
All states wanted protecting/expanding frontiers,raising new taxes,centralize,compete for new colonies in new and old worlds
Mckay 432-433
Causes of european exploration:
Exploration and effects:
Trading port empire
Ex. portugal/dutch
Trading port empire are on the coast of Eastern hemisphere with string of trading port cities-not in mainland/only outside(afraid of disease/afraid of powerful empires/can’t win land battles but can win sea battles/mainland place already have tech./they have too much population)
Free trade
Europeans looking for spices,silk,porcelain,cotton textiles/cotton from india,sugar
Leads to looking to control trade routes→competition
Land based empire
columbus’s established empire
Columbus thinks natives are unadvanced/simple/easy to defeat/childlike/uncivilized(don’t wear clothes/fearful)/easy to convert(pagan) before he even sees them–behaviour models what he and europeans think
Columbian exchange
Root crops from the americas to europe-good for soil
sugar/tobacco-bad for soil-invasive species
sugar/tobacco/coffee-stimulants to europe-more energy in europe
Mckay 496-497
Dutch republic in 1600s
identify/explain how the price rev. Led to innovations(double entry book keeping-cuts down corruption) and financial institutions(banks/joint stock companies), trade, accumulation of capital, a new elitice lass, and urban financial centers
Mckay 504-509
Scientific thought in 1550
Origins of scientific rev.
Copernican hypothesis
Proving copernicus right
Developed 3 new laws of planetary motion
Orbits of the planets around the sun are elliptical
Planets do not move in uniform speed during orbit
The time a planet takes to make its complete orbit is related to its distance from the sun
He proved mathematically the precise relations of a sun centered solar system→theoretical cosmology+mathematics
Completed rudolphine tables
Many talents
Experimental method-conduct controlled experiments to find what happens
Law of inertia
He proved aristotelian physics wrong
Applied experimental method of astronomy
Believe din copernican theory
Devout catholic-but papal inquisition placed galileo on trial for heresy for his works
identify/explain how the scientific revolution challenged traditional beliefs(great chain of being, roman Catholicism) and classical knowledge(ptolemy,galen, aristotle,4 humors, 4spheres,geocentric universe)(what groups will embrace it, and which groups will cling to traditional ways?)
Questioning classical texts
Copernicus challenged/kings/roman catholic church/aristocracy-questions their power through heliocentricity
england/denmark/sweden/dutch/switzerland/northern german states kings like science-they’re all protestants-people that led price revolution
Spain/portugal/italy/france didn’t like science
clergy/nobles NOT going to science-challenges their authority
Kings-uses science to his advantage
Peasants don’t want science-church/going to heaven is the center of their life-peasants don’t want to challenge because they don’t want to think
Plotolemy’s geometric universe-senses/bible/greeks justified it
During athenian hygenomy
Heaven-god and the angels live here
4 elements-earth/wind/fire/water-goes with great chain of being
Galen’s 4 bodily humors-yellow bile/black bile/phlegm(causes calmness)/blood(causes excitement)
Henry 1V
Estates general(nobles of the blood can meet in the estates general as if it were parliament)–>nobles can vent anger and it calms them down
Lower taxes
Concordat of bologna
Infrastructureabsolute power-kings gets to do what he wants on other people’s land-infrastructure keeps merchants happy and merchants pay taxes
Laws of mercantilism
Wealth is finite(get it all) to be wealthy/powerful
Trade surplus-export more and import less
Manufacture goods to keep all the money themselves
Fur hats
Raw materials
Haiti in west indies
Slaves-free labor
Tariffs on importsconsumers get hit bc/both sides can raise prices-french merchants like tariffs
Subsidies-government pays people/industries to start manufacturing-prepaid capital to start up business
Mckay 469-474
Mckay 474-475
James I (1603-1625)
Strong belief in divine right and church of england
Marries his son(Charles I) to louis XIII’s daughter
Conflict with puritans
Conflict with catholics(gunpowder plot-guy fawkes day)
Conflict with the house of commons
Charles I (1625-1649)
Cousin in law=Louis XIV
Conflict with spain-needs parliament
Strong belief in divine right and marries Louis XIII’s daughter
He signed petition of right to get money from parliament-petition of rights:
No arbitrary taxation
No arbitrary imprisonment
No marshall law(marshall law-army is police force)
Cannot dismiss parliament
Got money from Parliament and got rich while spain is in 30 years’ war
Dismissed parliament
Ruled without parliament by levying a tax”ship money”taxes everyone who doesn’t live on the coast
Violated magna carta once and violated petition of rights 4 times
Scottish revolt-needs money to put down parliament
Forced to call parliament(ship money is not enough) and the triennial act was passed
Signs the triennial act, gets money, and disbands long parliament but long parliament refused to be disbanded
James II (1685-1688)
Disregarded test act-thinks he’s above the law
James II was a catholic
Granted freedom of religion to all-people think he’s a terrorist-freedom of religion to irish
Had a legitimate son with his catholic french wife
English are mature/sophisticated→no war and no beheading
People cause chaos/evil-like catholic church and cathholic monarchs
Give up natural rights to one monarch to get peace/prosperity/property
rights-life/liberty/property-like jefferson
Government #1 job-peace and prosperity
Can’t give up natural rights
Governments #1 job is to protects rights
If it doesn't protect rights you can rebel
Background in east:
Western Europe had 3 gov. systems-absolutist/constitutionalist/oligarchy
In east there’s only absolutist monarchy
In 15th century ottomans and poland were powerful
After 30 years war ottoman/polands get weakened so austria/Prussia rise
Most people in europe see ottomans as asian
austria/russia are afraid of devshirme and janissary corps-they’re #1 enemies of ottomans
Connect to stimulus
To support an argument, you must paraphrase
Effects of Shift require info. before and after shift
Evidence to support assertion-write assertion first
Austria-add to notes
Multi-ethnic>give nobles more concessions
Catholicism(1 state 1 faith)
Vienna-culture capital=Baroque capital
Pragmatic sanction(all german princes sign pragmatic sanction–austrian lands cannot be divided)→maintain balance of power
18th century changes, enlightenment, and lives of the people
TB notes:
Rural textile workers
spinsters-widowed/single women who weaved
Operating the loom involved a whole family(handloom) until the arrival of mechanized looms in the 1800s
Workers and merchants didn’t get along
Elbe-Trieste Line
French Revolution
Industrial revolution
*Smith like some legislation(that increases competition and causes prices to reduce) and hates some
From slave trade
From enclosure movement
Ned Ludd
Arrests him and his lieutenants→women and children of the former weavers work but they don’t get high wages
After women and children work wages go down so men need to get women and children out of those jobs to get more money/status
Industrial revolution
Can still work as a family unit
Working class women hate factory act and mine act restricting child labour-they can’t work as much so they have to stay at home an watch the kids
Effect of industrial rev→cult of domesticity after factory and mine act
identify/explain how the continent catches up to GB and the specific policies they used to do this
Most nations had cottage industry and unskilled workers
Recruit british people(engineers and skilled workers)
European governments set up national tariffs
Continental governments built railroads/canalsbuilding socialism
Publicized banks and limited liability
Free trade zones
Mainly prussia-Prussia erected the Zollverein
Zollverein-tariff free zone
Can put railroads in free trade zones-unites germany economically-prices go down
Austria doesn’t join zollverein
Many adopted the policies of friedrich list and economic nationalism
Puts together Relief to pauper committee
Positivism (1850-1914)
Enlightenment to Positivist thought
WW1 kills positivist thought
Through the objective of science and the scientific method, people(everyone) can improve their society and the world
No god involved
Religion is private now
observe/experiment/analyze data, and find the root causes of society’s ills
Understand the causes of the problem scientifically, then by eliminating the causes, people solve the problem
Working class
2-8 children
They also have less children because for skilled/unskilled workers kids can’t be economic entities
Labour aristocracy would have less kids to spends more money off them for marriage politics
bloodsports/music and dance hall are their recreation
1 day off-sunday
Women work
Marriage politics
Middle class
Upper middle class
Middle middle class
Lower middle class
Marriage politics
Lower middle class
Labour aristocracy
Men’s sphere
Logic and reason
Woman’s sphere
Shared sphere
Ideologies and Upheavals
Auguste Comte
Focused on rules of unchanging laws(natural laws-enlightenment) and their dynamic evolutionary march(find the laws and continue or halt the process)
Man can discover the eternal laws of human relationships
Jean-Baptists Lamarck
Furthers compte with antithesis
Life arose from a long process of adjustment(evolutionary theory)(find the point of adjustment and correct it)
Children inherit their parents characteristics-wrong
Charles Darwin
All of life gradually evolved through an “unending struggle” for survival, and from a common ancestor
Some species adapt and survive, others die out
Burke-landowning men
Tariffs-corn laws
Peel-repeals the corn laws-trying to get rid of tariff
Property owning men vote
Political right-Hobbes
Looking after community NOT the individual-community over individual
Look to history and tradition to guide-don’t need constitution
think Institutions bring order
Holy alliance-institution that rings order
Class hierarchy to bring SECURITY+STABILITY
DUTY to others
Karl’s badd decrees-it works
German states had to root out liberal organizations/radical ideas(young italy/einschlafen)
Get rid of secret societies
Police universities-secret societies come out of universities
Have a panel of students who rat out professors
Government Changes curriculum
Police student newspapers-have liberal ideas
Political left-Locke
Institutions suppress rights
Everytime you move left, you get more rights/more equality
Looking after the individual
2 house legislature
Define “new conservative”-1848ex. Bismarck/robert peele/cavour
A group of conservative politicians (NOT socialist) who sought viable solutions (practical legislation to calm security/getting rid of sales tax/higher tariffs)for redistributing relations between the state, the economy, and to people(to keep political power)
1815-Congress of vienna
1830 revolution
Property owning men vote
1848 revolution
Oust louis philippe
Louis blanc(socialist)
National workshops
June days=chaos
Louis napoleon
Coup d’etat
Responsive nation state
New conservtaive can be POV
Louis Napoleon(1848-1871)
Public works-RR
Secular education for boys
Second industrial rev
Urban planning-sewers-wide boulevards
Banks with limited liability
UMS with plebiscite
Constitution but he can veto anything
New conservative
1871-franco-prussian war- Paris commune(3 months)-marxist
Third republic(1871-1914)-Dreyfus Affair
Great Britain
1832 reform bill
William gladstone(liberal)(passed mines act/ten hours act/repealing corn laws)/benjamin disraeli(new conservative-passes viable solutions))
1867 reform bill
1884 reform bill-UMS
1848-1849-great irish famine
1886-irish home rule emerges-william gladstone wants to pass it but parliament rejects it
1906-1914–people’s budget(prime minister-david lloyd george)-imperialism is where a lot of the wealth is coming from for a lot of this
1861-great reforms-alexander I11
No more serfdom
Justice reforms
Industrialization starts
1881-1894-alexander 111-associated reform with death(bc/his father died from anarchist assasination who was jew who didn’t like the new reforms)
Sergei witte-PM(1892-1903)
Russo-japanese war(1902-1904)
1905 revolution(father gapon)
1906-october manifesto and fundamental laws
Bismark reforms
GB-irish potato famine(through 1849)
Imperialism and The Great War
identify/explain the steps used to politically control a colony and provide evidence to support it from egypt, south africa, congo, china, and india
Undeveloped resources, markets, or opportunities are discovered
Businesses, investment banks, and migrants come to seek opportunities
Missionaries, aid societies, charities, and scientists arrive “to help”
CRISIS Army must arrive to “restore order” and “keep peace”
Political control is established
Ethiopia is free because it’s a bufferzone and for balance of power
British in north to protect suez canal and french in east-ethiopia
Italy(S not industrialized) tries to come in but fails-proves social darwinism wrong
Imperialism in China
Ch’ing ran the canton system; foreign merchants were let in for 3 months in 3 ports(in exchange for only silver). The ching were also sino-centric and desired nothing from europe; it led to a trade imbalance
The british east india company introduces opium as a trade product-the chinese become addicted
CRISIS-opium war-british win and make ching sign the treaty of Nanjing
China pays an indemnity, Hong Kong to britain(for markets for british products), and extraterritoriality(british citizens are under british law in british courts-british courts CAN be in China)(getting away with atrocious crimes)
Imperialism in india
British east india company is established during mughal reign
Opium,tea,cotton,spices,jute,and destroys local textile companies(markets)-developed resources→British had to destroy local markets
Company becomes tax collectors for the mughal empire
Uses sepoys(from all of south asia-hindu/muslim/sikh/jain) for private company armies-not treated well
CRISIS-sepoy rebellion(the mutiny)
India becomes most prized colony
Pits muslims and hindus against each other(fundamentalism arrives)
Indian national congress(India gains nationalism, democracy, and socialism)
Uses civil disobedience to disrupt british commerce-civil disobedience movement starts in africa
Uses western ways(leadership trains at oxford and cambridge) to beat the west
Define “total war”
Ww1 was also a total war
Lines between civilians and soldiers are blurred-(gunmakers vs. gun shooters)
All resources go to war effort first-government decided where necessary industry goes
Rationing of food,oil, and materials(necessary materials that people have a right to)
All manufacturing and distribution of needed materials run by the government
Heavy use of propaganda
Women are pressed into service in all aspects(farming/factories/ext.)
Almost TOTAL destruction of nations and land
Labor unions work with the government-can’t have strikes so labor unions get minimum wage and 8 hour workday in return for not going on strike
German/austria/ottomans/soviet union(traitors-signed treaty with germany and repudiated war debt not invited→treaty is set up to punish
clemenceau(france) wants revenge
read/use vision/vengeance sheet
New independent turkey, new syria(france’s colony), new palestine(britain's colony), new iraq(britain's colony), kuwait/saudia arabia(british)
reasons to redraw map
Buffer zones(for france, ussr)-encircled buffers around germany/ussr
Hurting german industry(areas with coal materials gone)
Hurting german militarism
Economic gain-colonies
Punish people-punitive
Balance of power
Future problems:
Unrest in middle east-different ethnic groups put together in nations
Czechoslovakia and yugoslavia
Germany will want to get land with ethnic germans back
The Age of Anxiety, Totalitarianism, and WWII-Inner War Years(1920-1939)
Explain how the great war alters the view of science as truth, optimism, and a problem solver to questioning newton’s certainty(natural laws) and focusing on einstein’s theory of relativity(only the speed of light is constant→no constants in universe, nothing solid/certain)
Interwar years diplomacy
Does it answer and successfully address people’s questions?
Does it calm, comfort, and reassure anxiety?
Define and explain Existentialism, and how it offered a new account of human nature that emphasized the role of the irrational, denied absolute truth, and sought individual meaning.
Define and explain Freudian thought, and how it offered a new account of human nature that emphasized the role of the irrational, denied absolute truth, and said only the struggle between the conscious and subconscious could lead to progress.
Totalitarianism -a government system which controls every aspect of an individual’s life (politically, socially, culturally, & economically)
in life (continual revolution)
Two types
Communism (USSR – Stalin) Fascism (GR–Hitler, I –Mussolini, J -Hirohito/Tojo, SP-Franco)
USSR under Lenin
Wins Civil War against the Whites and implements Bolshevik reforms
New Economic Policy (NEP)
Peasants keep land (successful peasants are called kulaks), decide what to plant, and sell on the open market dictated by supply and demand.
Private traders and merchants can keep small shops and sell on the open market.
Heavy industry, railroads, and banks are nationalized
Constitution of 1923 forms the USSR
Universal Suffrage at 18
Each village and factory elected a Soviet and made communal decisions and then met nationally in the Council of Union. (Duma)
Council of Nationalities – each ethnic group elects a soviet
Power was held by the Communist party members (Politburo) and the Duma was expected to pass any and all legislation the Politburo recommended. If not the secret police (Checha) would arrest people and send them to labor camps (gulag).
Dies without naming a successor – OH NO!!!
ways dictators answer questions, give purpose,build community, and address economic concerns: cult of personality and social realism
Cult of personality
Used effectively by Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini
The deliberate fixation of individual dedication and loyalty on the all powerful leader, whose personality exemplified the challenge of extraordinary times.
The leader is elevated as a model of perseverance who is working with “you” and for “you” in order to overcome these challenging Inner War Years days. Be loyal to him and join him in becoming a “savior” of “your nation.” - He allows “you” to be courageous and a hero.
The leader is elevated as a “savior” figure for the nation, and “you” are able to adore him and sacrifice for him and the good of the nation. Again, “you” are the hero.
Basics of Fascism
Individuals exist to serve the state (state controls all aspects of life)
Extreme nationalism
Anti-Socialist – alliances with capitalists and landowners create a stable economy that satisfies the working class and allows the middle and upper classes to reap huge profits.
Public works encouraged and big government contracts given to pro-Fascist industries.
Government mobilizes all groups (women, youth, men) to contribute to society through public displays and organizations and asks them to sacrifice for the state.
Individual liberties are denied
Denial of Democracy – sham elections, universities censored, no press, only the Fascist party allowed.
Depends on ideology
Government censors press, radio, and film
No criticism of the government is permitted – labor camps for those who do.
War is the noblest goal of man (ideology and propaganda)
Schools teach philosophies of fascism, prepares youth for war and idolizes the leaders
Leaders are usually violent and uses cult of personality
Uses minorities as a scapegoat for the nation’s problems and mobilizes people to eliminate them.
* Compare and contrast fascism in Germany under Hitler and fascism in Italy under Mussolini.
a new Inner War Years diplomatic stance and policy: appeasement. Appeasement means to bring a state of calm, quiet, and stability by “buying off” an aggressor through the granting of concessions at the sacrifice of principles. The British and French used this policy from 1928 through 1939. Appeasement leads to World War II. But it also leads to the Holocaust as no one in the world would stop the Nazis after early warning signs, abandoning Jews, Roma, homosexuals, and people with disabilities to mass murder.
In 1936 the Spanish Civil War erupted between Franco’s Fascist party and the Republicans. The USSR quickly supported the Republicans, so the Western powers would not join. Hitler and Mussolini took the opportunity to support their fellow fascist Franco. They send military supplies and support. In 1937, Hitler took the opportunity to bomb the civilian city of Guernica; it had no military significance, was bombed on the busiest part of market day, and 1,600 people died. Therefore, if Hitler could get away with bombing this defenseless city, his plans of war could go forward. When the West did not respond, he knew he would not be stopped. Pablo Picasso (a Spaniard and Republican) was appalled and painted this image(Guernica-1937) of the aftermath of the bombing to shame the Western powers.