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 Helpful Resources: Helpful Resources:
-* [[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UmUmORiYcjt6g0q5SAjc-h1TIzzTVO1M?usp=sharing|Political Parties Throughout the Ages]] +  * [[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UmUmORiYcjt6g0q5SAjc-h1TIzzTVO1M?usp=sharing|Political Parties Throughout the Ages]] 
-* [[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gpj_Nzb6iiwV3HhXTUoJO5wRmQLXQkUQ?usp=sharing|Political Partys Map/Diagram]]+  * [[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gpj_Nzb6iiwV3HhXTUoJO5wRmQLXQkUQ?usp=sharing|Political Partys Map/Diagram]]
 Credit: this guide compiles information from Tim Chong, Paul Kang, Tim Joo, and outside resources. Credit: this guide compiles information from Tim Chong, Paul Kang, Tim Joo, and outside resources.
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